Pumo Software

So, Facebook officially sucks…

So it’s official, at least in my humble opinion, Facebook sucks badly and each day it gets worse and worse.
I’ve been an user of Facebook since the late 2000s, it had its ups and downs during all these years, but it finally happened, it reached the point where is not really enjoyable anymore.

Due to new algorithms my personal posts and shares don’t reach my contacts anymore, even if I’m full of active friends on this social network.

Everything gets censored even if I’m not posting anything questionable (as I don’t argue with anyone and don’t like politics or ideological posts, and I refrain to post anything nsfw on Facebook).

And just to make things even worse, all my posts related to this very website and my projects that include a link to this place gets blocked or deleted and I get an advice that this website (and all of my subdomains) is a cybersecurity threat that distributes malware and can’t post any content that directs user to my websites, thus affecting my website traffic and distribution.

Everyone knows I just host Descent related software and stuff and Pumo Mines on this website, but it seems that for Facebook this is a ‘threat’. Even if I’ve checked this website through Virustotal, NordVPN and Google Safebrowsing and appealed to Facebook several times, nothing works, at all.
Feel free to also check this site through said tools, you’ll also find everything is ok.

And this happens on all and each of Meta related networks, including Instagram and Threads as well. And yeah, I’ve checked through the debugger tool of Meta for Developers.

This is so tiresome, but what can I do, in a masochist way I still keep using Facebook as my de facto social network, perhaps due to being accustomed to it since so many years and got many contacts and friends on there.

This is just a small rant and a way to vent myself. Not that this will help in any way whatsoever.

I will keep posting my content and stuff as usual on the rest of social networks that allows it, and on Meta sites won’t be posting links anymore, just to let you know. Will also try to depend more on organic traffic than SSNN.

So keep enjoying Pumo Software’s stuff even with all these nuisances! 😔🤷🏻

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